This article will show you how to set up recommended products.
With the "Recommended" section, you can set up custom products that you want to showcase on your product page. You can either choose a collection or use personalized offers using the Shop & Discovery app by Shopify. With these options, you can increase your sales by showing customers other products that you recommend for them.
In this article:
Recommended Option
In this option, you can select any collection you wish to feature in the "Recommended Section." You will have the flexibility to create collections and include products within them to showcase them to customers.
Personalized Offers
For the personalized offers, you can enable this to showcase a product recommended by shopify using the Search & Discovery App. These products are system generated recommendations by shopify on app. You can edit these recommendations on the app. You need to install the app first to access this feature. You can check the app here: Search & Discovery App
Layout and Content
In these options, you can customize the content and layout of the "Recommended Section," such as text content, alignment, and position.
Page width
This setting allows you to adjust the page width, you can choose between boxed or full width.
Section heading
This setting modifies the text content for the page's heading.
Section subheading
This setting modifies the text content for the page's subheading.
Subheading position
Here, you can change the position of the subheading. You can choose between "Above heading" or "Below heading."
Text alignment
In this option you can change the alignment of the text. You have the option to choose from three alignments: Left, Center, and Right.