List Collections Section in Booster Theme

How to setup your Collections (List) in Booster Theme.

Featured Collections

Displaying featured collections on your website's homepage is like having a friendly salesperson greet your customers as soon as they walk in. It's a prime opportunity to make a great first impression, highlight your best products, and guide visitors towards what they might love.

In this article:

  1. Accessing the List Collections
  2. Collection blocks
  3. Section Layout

Accessing the List Collections

To access the List Collections section, click Add SectionList Collections.

Accessing List Collections Section

Collection Blocks

To add collections to this section, click Add CollectionSelect collection.

Adding Collections to List Collections section

Section Layout

To access the layout settings for this section, click directly on "List Collections" on the left sidebar.

List Collections Section Layout Settings

For more information regarding General Layout settings, you can refer to THIS article.


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