Currency Converter

How to setup a currency converter in Booster Theme


Booster theme help in integrating a currency converter into your Shopify store offering numerous benefits, including expanding your global reach by accommodating a diverse audience and increasing conversions through a simplified and transparent pricing experience. 

In this article:

  1. Step 1. Get in the Internationalization theme settings
  2. Step 2. Enable the currency conversion
  3. Step 3. Choose the currency you want to enable

Step 1. Get in the Internationalization theme settings

In order to access the Internationalization settings, go to Theme settings > Internationalization.

access currency conveter

Step 2. Enable/Disable the currency conversion

In the currency section, you can enable/disable currency conversion by selecting an option in the dropdown.

enable disable currency conveter.png-1

Step 3. Choose the currency you want to enable

Add the currency codes to Enabled currencies field separated by commas. Please check All Currency code supported by Shopify here.


You are now all setup with the currency converter. You are able to change from currency

curency converter look


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