Edit Theme elements in Theme Content

How to edit theme elements outside the theme.

Theme Content

Some theme elements (content) can be edited outside of the theme. In the Theme Content section of Shopify, you can edit elements such as button texts and labels. Here's a comprehensive explanation of the theme contents.

In this article:

  1. General
  2. I18n
  3. Cart
  4. Collection Page
  5. Product Page
  6. Minicart
  7. Contact
  8. Navigation
  9. Upsell
  10. Recently Bought
  11. Customer Area
  12. Checkout & System
  13. Account (new)

To access the theme content on your store:

#1 On your Online Store click on Themes

Theme Content-1

#2 On the Themes tab Click on the three dot.

Theme Content-2

#3 On the dropdown click on Edit default content.

Theme Content-3

In this section, you have the ability to edit theme contents that lie outside the theme itself.


You can edit text content for 404, newsletter form, buttons, tags, search and countdown.


You can change language and currency text content here for i18n.


You can edit page text content here for Cart.

Collection Page

You can edit side bar text content here for Collection page.

Product Page

You can edit page, apps and card text content here for product page.


You can edit empty text and button text content here for minicart.


You can edit page and button text content here for contact.


You can edit breadcrumbs and buttons text content here for Navigation.


You can edit text content here for upsell like added, in cart and total.

Recently Bought

You can edit text content here for recently bought like purchased, ago and someone.

Customer Area

You can edit account and forms text content here for product page.

Checkout & System

You can edit text content here for checkout & system like general forwarding indicator, checkout general, checkout stock, etc.

Accounts (new)

You can edit content here for account related text content like account information, orders, order list and etc.