Cart Upsell

How to set up an upsell on the cart drawer and cart page in Booster Theme.

Increase your average order value and boost sales with upsells on your cart page or mini cart. By strategically offering complementary or related products, you can encourage customers to add more items to their purchase. This effective upselling technique can significantly increase your revenue and enhance the overall customer experience.

In this article:

  1. Where to find the Cart Upsell settings
  2. Upsell Collection
  3. Styling
  4. Cart Page

Where to find the Cart Upsell settings

To enable this feature, go to your Theme Settings → Cart Upsell [APP].

Cart Upsell Theme Settings


Upsell Collection

This setting allows you to select the specific product collection that you want to highlight and offer for upselling on the cart drawer or cart page.

Cart Upsell Collection


Additional customization options for this feature include adjusting the font size, font weight, alignment, color, border style, and the number of products to display. These settings allow you to tailor the appearance of the upsell feature to match your website's overall design and branding. By carefully selecting these options, you can create a visually appealing and effective upsell experience for your customers.

Cart Upsell Styling

Cart Page

In addition to appearing on the cart drawer, this feature is also prominently displayed on the cart page, providing customers with multiple opportunities to consider upsell offers.

Cart Page Upsell

Congratulations! Your cart upsell feature is now set up and ready to enhance your sales.


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