Cart Page Discount Code

How to set up a discount code input field on the cart page.

Boost sales with a discount code input field on your cart page. This convenient feature allows customers to easily apply promotional codes, saving them money and encouraging them to complete their purchases. By adding a discount code field, you can effectively promote special offers, reward loyal customers, and drive more sales.

In this article:

  1. Where to find the Card Page Discount Code settings
  2. How to enable the discount code option.

Where to find the Card Page Discount Code settings

To set up the discount code feature on the cart page, go to your Theme Settings → Cart Page Discount Code.

Cart page discount code theme settings

Make sure to check the "Enable discount code input field" option.

Congratulations! You've successfully integrated a discount code input field into your cart page. This feature will provide your customers with a convenient way to apply discount codes and enjoy savings on their purchases


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