Booster Theme Changelog

Version 6.2.2



  • Option to change the image ratio on mobile on Dynamic Grid section
  • Option to display icons underneath the logo on mobile
  • Added a close button on the menu bar on mobile
  • Option to place the chat button to the left/right side of the screen
  • Option to change either minutes or seconds the frequency of the recently bought app

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue where the slider of product images on QuickBuy modal is not working

Version 6.2.1



  • Option to add variant selector on minicart
    • Cart & Add to Cart Settings
  • Option to change the hamburger icon on the mobile menu\
    • Header Section - Menu Icon
  • Option to turn off the blog’s date on article page
    • Blog posts tempalte - Article Section
  • Option to disable the article’s prev/next button
    • Blog posts tempalte - Article Section

Version 6.2.0



  • Option to add Call-to-Action button on the top bar and bottom bar section
  • Option to disable “Additional Notes” on the cart page
  • Option to disable the quantity selector of products
  • Option to resize the featured image on blogs page
  • Option to add border radius to collection cards
  • Add fading effect on cart item remove
  • Option to add Contact form on Call To Action, Custom content, and Image + Text sections

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue on product page where gallery slider not working if jQuery is not enabled

Version 6.1.9



  • Option to add accordion to the following sections: Custom content, Image + Text, Video + Text, and Lookbook + Text
  • Option to display the whole product name when hovering the title once it’s limited on product cards
  • Option to add a text field block on the Product page named ‘Order Attribute’ and will be saved as order attribute on orders
  • Option to add gradient color on the header/footer background.
  • Support for gradient color inside the theme editor

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue where the dynamic checkout button text is default to color black instead of using the body text color

Version 6.1.8



  • Add “show this section on” option on the Dynamic Grid section
  • Option to autoplay and loop the video on image gallery on the product page
  • Add Previous and Next button on Single Article page

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue on Product page where the sale price and countdown price are not converting correctly when changing currency
  • Fix an issue on Recently Bought App where price is not correct
  • Fix an issue on the Collection page where the number of product cards is wrong when you filter
  • Fix an issue in the cart drawer where the checkout button is not visible on mobile Safari browsers
  • Fix an issue on Inline Search and Logo Top header types where the cart drawer is showing when scrolling
  • Fix an issue on the Inline Search header type where the menu is not showing.


  • Improve the design and settings of a Banner section.

Version 6.1.7



  • Option to add color swatches on product cards
  • Option to change the color of the slider's previous/next buttons
  • Discount Popup Feature

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue on product page where product images are randomly showing instead of the first image

Version 6.1.6



  • Improved social icons design on product page.
  • Option to change the color of the mobile filter on collection page.
  • Option to change the links of the following buttons: Back to Products of 404 page, Continue Shopping of cart page, and Check out our offering of Minicart/Cart page

Version 6.1.5



  • Social Media links now open in an other browser tab
  • Option to add Image Links on Image + text, Dynamic Grid > CTA block, and CTA sections.

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue with CTA section text width still working even on mobile
  • Fix an issue on theme where add to cart from some app is not working
  • Fix an styling issue on Content + text (bulk) section
  • Fix an issue on product page where variant swatch images are being mixed.

Version 6.1.4



  • Option to add SKU on Product page.
  • Banner Section
  • Option to make the product gallery image stick.

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue with the footer newsletter where there is no success message.
  • Fix an issue with the column section where the vertical alignment is not working
  • Fix an issue with the PDP’s accordion section where the meta field richt text displays an error
  • Fix an issue on the newsletter forms where the modal newsletter opens even if the submission is from the footer newsletter.

Version 6.1.3



  • Option to change the style of product tags on theme settings.
  • Option to add newsletter button (that will trigger the newsletter modal) on top info bar section.
  • Option to display specific product tags on the collection filter.
  • Option to add a button to get on top of a page.
  • Option to change the text of the show more button on theme editor.

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue for the theme setting where the header font color is not working.
  • Fix an issue for storefront where all images are blurred.
  • Fix an issue for add to cart feature where some customers are unable to add a  product to cart.
  • Fix an issue for the Inline search header where the layout is broken on larger screens.

Version 6.1.2



  • Option to add custom ID on each section.
  • Previous and Next buttons for product thumbnails and product main image slider.
  • Article and Page results on the search result bar.

Bug Fix

  • Fix an issue for the quick buy modal where the product main gallery is not changing when clicking the image on gallery thumbnails.
  • Fix an issue on the map section where it does not let you paste a map embed.
  • Fix an issue for product cards where the SALE tag is still showing even if the product is not on sale.
  • Fix an issue on Ajax Add to Cart where Google Analytics 4 event is not working.
  • Fix an issue on the collection page where the product description is not truncated.
  • Fix an issue on the product page where compare at price still showing even if the product is not on sale.
  • Fix an issue on product cards where the secondary image has no background.
  • Fix an issue on the collection page where Ali reviews not working.

Version 6.1.1



  • Option to display the full ratio/crop of product images on product page content section.
  • Comment form on the article page.
  • Option to add filter tag where, customer can now filter the collection by tags.

Bug Fix

  • Fix an issue for the collection’s pagination where, it displayed “No product match to criteria.”
  • Fix an issue for the product page where, gallery image not switching when there are two variants selected.
  • Fix an issue for the collections page where, products are duplicating.
  • Fix an issue for the title banner section of collection page where, it shows all description instead of 1-line and read more.
  • Fix an issue for the product page section where, image zoom issue is not working.
  • Fix an issue for the Header - Default section where, the mobile logo position is not working.
  • Fix an issue on the slider sections where, images are being blurry.
  • Fix an issue on product page where, the currency symbol is not showing.
  • Fix an issue on Adaptive slideshow section where, images are being cut.
  • Fix the discount amount format on cart page and mini-cart sidebar.
  • Fix an issue on collection page filter where, the mobile’s product filter count is always 0.
  • Fix an issue on blog section where, it has broken HTML.
  • Fix an issue on product page where the dates localization and translation is not working.
  • Fix an issue on collection pages where, images are loading slower on safari browsers.
  • Fix the multi-language support feature is not working on Booster theme.
  • Fix an issue on search result page where, the page and articles result is unclickable.
  • Fix an issue on product page where, the products is not tag as continue selling when out of stock, the customer can buy it even it is out of stock.
  • Fix the smooth transition of sticky menu.
  • Fix an issue on search icon where, if it is clicked, it is not focusing on search input field modal.
  • Fix an issue on slider sections where, the autoplay option is not working.



  • Improved the submenu overflow
  • The cart timer doesn't show up when there's product in cart.



  • 3D model support
  • Custom list of collections in the filter sidebar
  • Regular submenu overflow
  • Recommended products title alignment on product page
  • Added padding on the contact form 
  • Enhanced the footer and testimonials line-height
  • Added padding on blog poste
Bug Fix
  • Minor cosmetic bug fixes to accompany the launch of OS2.0 Preset Installer
  • Removed global line-height resets
  • Fixed inline upsell checkmark overlaying the header



  • Fully supports ONLINE STORE 2.0
  • Geo block, it allows you to add geo-personalized messages.
  • Localized delivery dates, set a start day and end date for your shipping estimate and it displays Delivery between x and x days.
  • Liquid blocks, custom code, and HTML blocks
  • Free shipping bar inside Top Info Bar [APP]
  • Dynamic title changing [APP]
  • FAQ section (Accordion)
  • Section Scoped CSS 
  • Cart timer/countdown
  • Carts are now synchronized ACROSS TABS AND WINDOWS
  • Social Media share button block on product page
  • Show minicart after successful purchase (A new add-to-cart action)
  • Redesigned headers and megamenus
  • Translations have been improve
  • Improve logo control for the header
Bug Fix
  • Various tag and sale issues, including math errors on prices above $1000 and incorrect conversions
  • Newsletter block not respecting its boundaries
  • Subfooter now has correct layout settings
  • Hidden sections no longer leave the margin behind them on mobile/desktop



  • Gift card pages with tons of customizations
  • Read more/less button for collection description in Title and Bottom banners
  • Logo width and height settings
  • Max height has been removed from the logolist
  • Product descriptions should now use correct margins and initial values
  • The global styling was improved to not affect content made inside Shopify Editor
Bug Fix
  • Upsell wasn't uploading properly the current variant price
  • Recently-bought image was shrinking if the title was too big
  • The currency/language submenu was appearing behind the gallery on mobile devices.
  • The newsletter button is now always working



  • Added Delivery time (Custom text) block inside Product Page
  • Changed the way our Javascript is listening for changes in cart
    • now our cart will always be up to date, even if we aren't the ones making the changes (it will integrate with A N Y 3rd party app that uses Shopify-standardized calls, using either XHR or Fetch)
  • Added collection "Bottom Content" with the ability to show both Title and Description, same settings as Title Banner (descrption can be truncated)
  • Added the ability to show description inside Title Banner
  • Added the ability to hide title inside Title Banner
  • Ability to change Icon & Text color in Delivery, Watching, InCart blocks
  • Ability to use custom amounts for Watching and inCart blocks
  • Changed the way numbers in "carts" and of people "watching" this page are changing
    • now they will always move in the range of current value +-15%
  • Increased the size of icons on Product Page by 25%
  • Translation for recently bought
  • Translated next/previous buttons
  • Added a link to Unicons inside Icon + Text block
  • Added maximum width to Recently Bought holder
  • Added maximum width to cart sidebar
  • Made the quantity selector take the entire width of Sticky ATC in cases where there was only 1 variant available (the selector is hidden)
Bug Fix
  • Fixed next/previous buttons on mobile
  • Fixed a bug in Firefox where it always went straight to cart after clicking "Add to cart"
  • Fixed a bug with quick-to-cart on product cards when the method used was "AJAX Form"
  • Fixed a bug where the sticky ATC would cover cart's checkout button in mobile view
  • Fixed a bug where in rare occasions cart image would be "smol" if the product's title was "big"



  • Ability to limit the number of words or characters in a Product Cards title (Theme Settings -> Product & Collection cards)
  • Ability to select the amount of products to show per page (go to a list of products, select Product list -> Products per page - slider)
Bug Fix
  • Fixed the next/previous bug where it would take up the whole page and the image would be huge



  • Added AliReviews full integration
  • Added Newsletter block
    • Ability to choose between Shopify Newsletter or Mailchimp (for now), custom text, custom colors, more options coming later
    • Available in any section which has content blocks (Image Text, Video Text, Lookboox Text, Footer, Subfooter, CTA, Split CTA, Custom Content, Map)
  • Payment icons in Footer and Subfooter with the ability to either autodetect accepted payment options or use a list of custom icons (a list is provided in instructions)
  • Added a warning inside Instagram section with a link to Instagram changes
  • Added a "Responsive Slider" section which allows you to select a mobile and desktop images separately, more options coming in future updates
  • Added an "Adaptive Slider" section which adapts to the width and height of the image, rather than the content, you are allowed to use different image sizes, although not recommended
    • Adaptive and Responsive sliders have the ability to link the whole image as a hyperlink (buttons are useless in that scenario)
    • You can set a different image for desktop and mobile
  • Improved the Lazyloading & speed optimizations
  • Ability to choose between different currency formats
  • Ability to disable AJAX Add to cart and Cart (both disabled using the same settings, should fix 3rd party app integrations like bold)
  • Ability to disable sticky add to cart on Desktop and Mobile separately
  • Sale price now shows up on cards
  • Ability to change old and new price colors for product cards
  • Ability to change old and new price colors in product page price block
  • If there's a variation in sale amount, cards now just show "SALE", instead of a percentage
    • Same goes for the tag on a product page, this is subject to change in future updates
  • Ability to zoom on hover
  • Ability to change thumnail on hover
  • Filter sidebar image now shows up even if you have a link wrapped around it
  • Logos are no longer lazyloaded, fully image loaded immediately (part of the speed optimization, preventing layout shifts)
Bug Fix
  • Fixed Loox and Shopify Reviews
  • Various currency conversion fixes
  • Now correctly prefetches/preloads 5.1.3 (latest) Javascript instead of 5.1.0
  • Shows the correct (first) image on product page
  • Fixed "Language"/"Currency" translation inside the header utility menu



  • Megamenu now works consistently and a minor styling change should make it look less awkward
  • Maximum logo height added, it can be either 0 which makes it as big as it can be or you can set it to any value up to 500px
Bug Fix
  • Dynamic grid and regular grid now show up on mobile



  • Removed the countdown from search suggestions
Bug Fix
  • Fixed missing translation in the sidebar filter
  • Fixed an issue with swatches where you couldn't have certain symbols, otherwise they'd brake (')
  • Fixed an issue with grids being weirdly small in Safar
  • Fixed an issue of sales tags not showing up



  • BUNCH of swatches fixes and changes, swatches not gonna disappear anymore, preselection now works correctly, you can show the image of a selected variant (settings -> gallery & swatches -> Show currently selected variant's image)
  • Copycat stopper is now part of the theme (prevent code inspection as well as text copying), Settings -> Copycat Stopper [APP]
  • Added LOTS of translations
  • New Theme Updater App has been released (Theme Manager) where users can edit code, customize their theme and update
  • Loox integration, both review stars, and reviews being added without needing to change code or use Loox's integration
  • Submenu now works as intended, also stylized the navigation to make it look a bit more fancy
  • Discounts not being shown when they are compared to $0 or the same price
  • Currency conversion updated in cart pages, when updating as well as in general
Bug Fix
  • Fixed automatic collection page loading with infinite scroll
  • Fixed a bug where the header logo was too small
  • Featured product section now correctly shows the complete gallery with media (videos) as well
  • Additional notes now correctly get submitted with the cart
  • Bug when a variant was containing "/" inside its name, should be no more



  • Product page badges added as a block with default badges provided by Booster
  • Collection list pages, margin added as needed
  • Moved all CSS inside one snippet, so no more theme.liquid modifications every time there's a style change
  • Using CSS' var() instead of SASS (should speed up render times)
  • Featured product section now lazyloads images
  • Changed Swatches to Variant picker in product "Product page content" section
  • Changed the limit of total products in featured collection sections, from 12 to 32
  • Automatic list detection bug if there was no text after a list
  • All customer account pages, no more empty page when you log in, styling will be added additionally for some of those
Bug Fix
  • Stripping all HTML from price formating (should fix < span class="money" > bug)
  • Recently bought fix (fix has been applied to versions 5.1.0 and 5.1.1 as well)
  • Title banners apply colors as intended



Bug Fix
  • The number of cards per row in the collection section wasn't showing the number of cards selected.
  • The styling of the custom pages are now applying to those pages inside Booster V5 T
  • The mobile cart wasn't able to delete the product 
  • The checkout mobile cart button is now centered 



  • Social media link and icons available in the Location, Contact & Social Media: Twitter, WhatsApp, WeChat, Youtube, Snapchat, Viber, VK, DeviantArt, TikTok, Twitch.
  • Adding a video in the Slideshow section is now possible, you can either embed Youtube or Vimeo videos.
  • A new section on the Homepage is now available! The List collection will reproduce the featured collections from Booster 3.0.
  • Product card settings were causing some confusion, we added options to change the boldness of the Product vendor, price, name to give more flexibility to this setting.
  • The slider background image wasn't mobile-optimized.
  • Collection card settings now include the text size and text font.
Bug Fix
  • Megamenu wasn't showing up if no single product was added to the menu. 
  • Settings.headHTML has been fixed.
  • Within the Slideshow section, sometimes the button wasn't clickable.
  • A Href bug causing the button to not change color.
  • The Zoom-In feature for the product images was not working.
  • In the Inline upsell feature, there were numbers appearing in the bottom left, those are now removed.
  • All images of the website became blurry for no reason, this has been fixed also.